Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Guitar Strap Update

My Clapton drawing needed work.  Boy, was he a challenge. I revised it and gave him long hair and am very happy how it turned out.  Each face is about 3 X 4 inches -just big enough to get the right amount of detail while still being simplistic.

Embroidering is all done and now all that's left is sewing it into a strap.  Sewing is not my forte so wish me luck!

I started work on my genie piece and included it at the bottom.  It's a rough idea but it let's you know what I have in mind.

Lighting is a bit harsh but the images do look better when clicked on to enlarge:


  1. I love these images! Great work. :o)

  2. Thank you!! I appreciate it!

  3. I want to see all your stuff! wish you would post them all ... if for no other reason that to have a catalogue of your work! and us nosey parkers can check it out, too!
